Tips for Finding Lost Animals

The hardest thing I deal with as an animal communicator is lost animals. When I do a session with a person and their animal in any other situation, I know I have done my best to help, even if I never hear from them again. Hearing that voice of despair on the phone when someone has lost their beloved is so much worse, because much of the time, there is no closure and all the unresolved feelings are left hanging in the air. The one thing the universe doesn’t need is the volcanic eruption of even more unresolved emotions.
Because we animal communicators are so empathic, we really need to brace ourselves in this situation. We need to be the grounded person while the other person is feeling panic, fear, and grief. We need to give whatever helpful information we can about what they might do to find the animal, but mostly, we need to stay steady so that the animal’s person can think straight and act in ways that increase the odds of finding the animal.
When someone has lost their animal, my go-to grounding essential oils are bergamot, eucalyptus, frankincense, juniper, rose, thyme, and vetiver. The best practical information I’ve found is on a website run by an experienced pet detective:
At that point in my life, I had probably reunited over a thousand people with their lost animals, yet for every animal reunion, there are many cases that are never resolved. Although I’m on the high end of success in reuniting lost animals and their people, I still find this to be the most painful part of the job. Here are some first steps you can take that I’ve seen work again and again for other people.
1. Make flyers.
2. Contact all the vets, pet stores, and grooming outlets in the area.
3. Find a tracker who uses dogs.
4. Get an Amber Alert out; they have them for pets now too.
5. Even if you are an introvert, now is the time to get over that and knock on every door in your neighborhood. You must be a politician, shake hands, and smile—even if you feel awkward. People may not look at the signs you post, but they will remember your love and compassion for your animal if they see an animal that fits your description.
6. Make neon signs that will stand out—the brighter colors, the better!
7. Visit for great tips according to different personality types. For example, a shy indoor cat may not be as far away as you think.
8. Consider hiring a pet detective.
9. Send press releases to the local media.
10. The minute an animal goes missing, assemble a team of people to help you. Get the outreach going, beyond what you can do yourself. In my experience, 89 percent of animals are returned because another human helped.
11. In the case of potential theft, make the animal’s disappearance as public as possible to “guilt” the animal free.
12. Visualizing your animal at home is powerful. Let go of the how; it never happens anything like we dream!
One of my many intentions with my program Communication with All Life University is to create superstar animal communicators who specialize in finding lost animals. We are well on our way!
Two graduates from CWALU that help lost animals are:
Colleen Twiss –
If you are interested in learning more, I recommend you check out my book Energy Healing for Animals (Sounds True)