Better Communication with pets now

Telepathy is a two way street, at the very least – sometimes it’s a five way stop! As much as people love to find out what their animal is thinking, it can be even more enlightening to know what it is we are actually sending. We are sending a lot of inner spam to our pets via our own thoughts and feelings about random things in life. This is an immediate picture that is sent, our pets in turn can either want to help the situation or act out as a result of our state of being.
We all are living with a certain degree of personal stress and we are all microcosms that can accidently absorb the global fear, anxiety and worry. Then we try to figure out why our well behaved dog jumps on our dinner guests or worse.
When we forget the simplicity and joy in life or are distracted, so many things get mixed up in translation and naughty behavior can result. My best advice is:
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Our animal companions are looking to us and listening to us at all times. We are their Emotional Leaders – we have to be the leader of the pack, herd, pride or flock. They are dependent upon us for their wellbeing. As I say in my book, Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator, published by Hay House, we are of one mind.
When we say a command like no, or come – we have to commit to that intention. So many times I see someone say “no” to a small dog and then two seconds later, they pick the dog up and kiss it because it’s so cute. What is that really saying? It’s saying “no, yes, you are the cutest, just do what you want.” Is that really providing safety/leadership for them? The answer is no. Mentally we do the same thing – we say no and then we think ‘they’re just going to do it again’ – what mixed message is that non-committal command saying? It’s saying – ‘go ahead – take over’ and nothing good can come out of that when in a challenging situation.
When you ask an animal to do something are you pleading? Are you hopeful? Frustrated? Are you saying it with great authority? Is it mixed? Do you have joyful expectation? Is it fun? – Even if it’s a bath? Listen to your tone and see if you can’t have a little more expectation and authority. This also helps send a more positive image (picture) and security to them.
Consciously picking your words, nicknames or stories is another key thing. I know, we all lose our tempers or to be funny we tell a story about our animal friend. But it is not just our story; we are making it forever their story, their mythology and that story becomes bigger than them. They have to follow through with the epic behavior.
A check and balance of where we are emotionally is important, especially in challenging situations. Automatically, the pictures and the feelings follow the words. Saying something to get attention with great authority, expression and emotional leadership is a great state change for you and your animal companion(s). It automatically sends the picture. Then you can create a new behavior pattern.