How to Help Animals

World-renowned Animal Communicator and Energy Healer, Joan Ranquet, Presents:

How to Help Animals

Inspirational Lessons from People Living Their Mission

Dates: January 11 – March 29
Length: 12 Tuesdays

Join Us For FREE!

Everywhere we look, we can see a planet out of balance. Our worlds are glittered with distraction. Technology has us hostage. Our outrage at surface events drowns out the sounds of suffering in the distance.

Animal testing, factory farming, trophy hunting, poaching, the genocide in shelters, none of this is slowing down anytime soon. Our consumerism is destroying the flora, fauna, mineral, stone – the very habitat of all life. That next level of destruction is a constant hum in the background of our reality and is soul crushing for the animal empath.

The idea of helping animals on a global scale is overwhelming. Just thinking about the suffering is enough to make you crawl under a weighted blanket with sound cancelling headphones, an essential oil/buckwheat filled eye mask and a GIANT “Do Not Disturb” sign as the headboard.

When we do come up for air, there are the standard ways we all know how to help:

  • Write a check to support an organization
  • Pick up dog poop at the shelter

Those are both noble and necessary efforts and we all need to keep doing that.

AND more. It isn’t overwhelming if we do it together. Let’s create a new path.

Please join me in:

How to Help Animals is a collective experiential, investigation for 12 weeks. A weekly immersion with an impressive lineup of experts to guide us into the next level.

We will co-create and collaborate on an energetic transformation for our animal kingdom. We will also explore ways in which we can all roll up our sleeves and contribute with a servant’s heart, boots on the ground. And of course, we will look at the energy and contribution of money throughout the whole process.

How to Help Animals will inspire and observe ways in which you step up and step in. Maybe it is with:

  • your empathic sensibilities
  • your ability to tell stories
  • your innate ability to connect people and services
  • discovering ways to link up with people that share a vision to support them
  • Helping to create or support legislation

I understand that it is difficult to step in. The feelings are overwhelming. Some of the feelings you may be experiencing around this work or this level of helping may be:

  • I’m not doing enough
  • I don’t have any skillset
  • I will never be what they are (whoever THEY are)
  • I don’t even know where to start

Maybe there is a way that you aren’t even thinking of that you could be of service. This is a time of true discovery!!

Communication with all Life University is committed to helping domestic animals, wildlife, nature, humans and the planet. By uniting all life, we are creating a landscape for oneness. And we are teaching people how to communicate with and heal animals from all walks of life, whether they are in someone’s home or in a sanctuary.

Core Benefit(s) of taking the course / Results achieved:

  • You will hear first hand what the needs of several organizations are.
  • You will have a new lense to see through and how you can change starting with your intention.
  • You will also find out how those animals came to be in peril to begin with.
  • You will be inspired to develop relationships with organizations.
  • You will see the value of animal communication and healing in a new light.
  • You will see your value in this new vision of an ecosystem.

Sign up for the Spring Intensive where we will take this to a next level. Particularly our Animal Communication and Healing in Sanctuaries. Or you may want to look at our Ambassadorship Certification.

Program Breakdown

January 11th – Welcome “Your Mission is bigger than your Feelings”

January 18th – Joan Ranquet

January 25th – Sarah McCrum – Love Money, Money Loves You

February 1 – Sophie Gamand

February 8 – Andrew Harvey, Sacred Activism

February 15th – Ellie Laks, Founder of the Gentle Barn

February 22nd –  TBA

February 28th – TBA

March 1 – Linda Tucker, Founder of Global White Lion Protection Trust

March 8th – Gabi Skollar, Director of the Gibbon Conservation Center

March 15th – TBA

March 22nd – Shannon Keith of The Beagle Freedom Project

March 29th – Closing with Joan – creating action steps and managing “compassion fatigue”.


I love listening to Joan Ranquet’s Facebook Lives!! They are fun, informative, and you never know what is going to happen in the beautiful world of animals.  Joan’s network of amazing animal energy healers goes to infinity.  I recommend listening at every opportunity you can, as you will laugh, love, and learn ways to help animals like you can’t even imagine.  Joan mission is amazing!  She walks the walk and talks the talk!! 

– Jill Todd, DVM

Joan’s Facebook live’s are something I look forward to every week! It is something I never knew I needed until I started joining. Each week is very informative and interactive. I have found myself referring back to her lives when I need them most! 

– Jessica

Joan’s lives are educational, entertaining, and inspiring all at the same time.  Every Tuesday she shares her humour, and unique perspective that draws you in like a magnet and makes you want to soak up everything she has to offer.   After a few seconds you realize that you’re not alone. There is a tribe of people that feel the same way you do and you are home!

Her last series “Where are you on your journey”  was thought provoking and introspective. It  took you through the depths of your soul.

How you see yourself, how you think others see you and how you want to show up in this world for the animals. I am so excited for the next series and the discoveries and discussions to follow.

– Tanya

So many amazing things to say about Joan Ranquet – only one of which is her Facebook Lives.  She presents her topics with knowledge and passion while still managing to answer questions and bring viewer’s comments into the talk.  Minds are expanded and opened; people are heard and are drawn together all in the space of an hour!  

– With love, Kaki

But wait, there’s more!!!

We will be adding in some Thursday Lives where Joan will interview rescues and do readings for them to help the animals get adopted.

We will have sponsors and speakers that will offer a little help along the way with staying the course on helping animals.

At the beginning of March, we will be in our Nature and Wildlife Masterclass, the two events will create a magical crossroads, one helping the other to emphasize the point, we are in this together!!

Your FAQ’s

Will I be able to see it later after the live event?

Yes, it will stay in the Learn to Communicate with animals with Joan FB Group. It will end up on Youtube by that Friday and in the weekly newsletter.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes, you will be able to ask questions at the end. If you know in advance you want to ask a question of the guest, you can always send in the question to

“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

This quote has been bottom lined into: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

When we point out what is wrong in the world, we are truly pointing to our own separation. As animal empaths, we know that we are connected. We are seeking that oneness. We are seeking transformation.

By coming together in this very special series, we get to feel part of something much bigger than our individual lives, our individual problems. By coming together, we lift each other up. When we do that, all ships rise with the tide.

You will have first hand access to some of the greatest game changers for the animal/human condition.
You will have handouts to follow and take notes.
You will also hear each person’s 3 sustainable tips/advice for rolling up your sleeves and helping the animals.

As the animal kingdom gets lifted, so does humanity and the planet. We need each other now, more than ever. Let’s learn from the people who have made this heavy lifting their mission and lighten the load for everyone by joining in.

My name is Joan Ranquet

Animal communicator, TEDx speaker, Hay House and Sounds True author, educator, and animal guardian, Joan Ranquet leads an inspired life. It’s no surprise MSN has deemed her one of the “Top 25 People Who Do What They Love.” Her TEDx talk, The Rainbow Bridge, Animals in Transition has over 305,000 views.

Joan has connected with animals professionally for over twenty-five years, and she’s connected with them personally for as long as she can remember. Her calling has led her to work with thousands upon thousands of pet owners, trainers, barn managers, and vets—teaching animal communication and energy healing through workshops, wildlife retreats, and private sessions.

Prior to the covid-19 pandemic, for eight years, Joan has spearheaded trips to swim with wild dolphins (16 trips). She has also facilitated wildlife excursions to South Africa (3 times), Namibia, Botswana, Kenya and Borneo, and as conditions allow will continue to lead eco wildlife adventures focused on endangered species. In addition to foreign trips, Joan has shared her expertise all over the U.S., speaking on animal communication, human/animal relationships, energy healing, and marine wildlife.

Joan’s hands-on animal communication and energy healing process troubleshoots behavioral and medical issues, stimulates healing (in conjunction with conventional treatment), and deepens her clients’ abilities to care for and understand their animals. She believes the capacity to attune to animals and work with them energetically is not a gift for the select few, but an innate ability we can all access with a little guidance. Thus she teaches down-to-earth skills that enable her students to communicate consistently and confidently with animals.

In 2009, Joan founded Communication with All Life University, a certification program for animal communicators and energy healers. She is the author of Energy Healing for Animals: A Hands-On Guide for Enhancing the Health, Longevity, and Happiness of Your Pets (Sounds True, 2015) and Communication with All Life: Revelations of an Animal Communicator (Hay House, 2007) and is an active contributor to The Dharma of Dogs: Our Best Friends as Spiritual Teachers (Sounds True, 2017). Deemed “Celebrity Animal Communicator” in an AMC Channel documentary, Joan has been featured in dozens of media outlets including The Hollywood Reporter, “Pet Nation” on Dateline NBC, Today on NBC, Good Morning America on ABC, Animal Planet, the National Enquirer, and the Los Angeles Times.

Today Joan lives on her ranchette in the gorgeous hills of southern California with her devoted animal family: three horses, three dogs, and four cats. She donates her time to animal rescue missions and therapeutic riding centers, and is an avid fundraiser for organizations that aid recovery from natural disasters and endangered species.

Joan is a Star-Lioness – an advisory/sounding board for the Global White Lion Protection Trust, she serves on the Spiritual Council for The Gentle Barn and is a member of the Evolutionary Business Council. Joan is also the co-founder of Jill and Joan Healing, a company providing acupressure classes and hemp based pet products with holistic veterinarian, Jill Todd.