Introduction to Animal Chakras


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The blueprint of your animal’s behaviors, thoughts, and feelings...

Animal Chakras

Create Wellness, Healing, and Understanding

A comprehensive, step-by-step audio & video course!


Learn at your own pace, today!

"This course is cool! It takes what can feel like a complicated and woo-woo concept, chakras, and makes it super easy to understand. It’s approachable and full of written, visual and audio content - so great for all learners. It feels like an amazing reference that I’ll keep coming back to again and again."

-Kat Koch

The POWER of Chakras


Hello Animal Lover! 

As an intuitive, empath, or just a conscious soul you can feel it. That moment when something is “off” in your own personal, emotional, or physical environment. 

And we all know...

When our power centers lose strength, it can lead to illness. 

It happens all the time. Conscious thought is strong and it can either work for you or against you.

On the flip side, each chakra holds the potential to create wellness and better behavior!

Today, you’re not only responsible for your own well-being, you’re responsible for the well-being of an animal(s). You want them to feel safe and content, but can’t help but wonder--

  • “How can I understand their core desires?
  • “How could I possibly know the root of their issues?” 
  • “What’s behind their behavior?” 

Did you know that animals have a chakra system, just like humans? 

And by understanding their chakra system, you can stop playing the guessing game and learn about your animal from the inside out.

Your Guide

Hi, I’m Joan Ranquet and I’ve been teaching animal communication and energy healing for OVER 20 YEARS.

Back in the day healings were taught for humans, but I was fortunate to have innovative teaching and hands-on training at my fingertips.

I address chakras in two of my books, Communication with all Life (Hay House) and Energy Healing for Animals (Sounds True).

I’m now expanding on this subject at an intensive, in-depth level. Whether you’re working with animals or you simply want a better understanding of your own companion, I have an exciting opportunity!

I’ve taken my DECADES of work as an energy healer and animal communicator and combined them with countless hours of study to create a step-by-step guide to animal chakras!

This accelerated course is designed to teach the animal chakra system and how to successfully and consistently use healing techniques on your own animals. 

In this course, you’ll receive: 

  • Image rich video slideshows on each chakra (including the 8th) and the relationship to behavior, wellness, and the human component.
  • Pre-recorded audio deep dives on each chakra with me and my students.
  • PDF’s on the chakra system and how to balance it
  • Chakra Assessment PDF’s for dogs, cats, horses & birds

I’m also adding these SPECIAL BONUSES to help you on this journey. Yours FREE with the purchase of this course! 

  • Audio: Introduction to Animal Communication.
  • Booklet Overall Wellness: How to create a healthy environment for our animals.

This course offers a strong foundation on animal chakras along with tangible tools on how to implement what you’ve learned right away. 

We’ll cover: 

  • What the chakras represent and where you can find them on your animals
  • Energetics of behavior and health challenges.
  • Physical components that could manifest from heavy emotions.
  • How profoundly the energy field is affected with animals.
  • The possible emotional component of illness or lameness.
  • And so much more! 

"Joan’s teaching style is clear and crisp. Her dedication and support for her students is unmatched. People are drawn to Joan because she believes animal telepathy is a skill that we can all learn. Her natural teaching and storytelling abilities are infused with a unique combination of dry wit and generosity of spirit that make her classes the most engaging I have even taken."

-Kara Udziela

The Modules

How it Works

Once you sign up you’ll receive all your content at once, for you to work through at your own pace. And don’t worry! We’ve created guidelines for working through the lessons to help keep you motivated!


Each Module consists of:

-An image-rich video Slideshow with both domestic and wild animals,  highlighting the themed chakra and narrated by Joan

- Pre-recorded Deep Dive Audios into each chakra with Joan and her students  

-5 PDF’s to accompany your journey

  • Much Ado About Chakras
  • Chakra Journal 
  • Chakra Cheat Sheet
  • Animal Assessment
  • Balancing the Chakras
Chakra 1
Examines the profound understanding of the fight or flight aspect of
even the most domesticated animals.
Chakra 2
Examines the relationship between animals and humans, the other animals in the household, and the creativity and purpose for the animal.
Chakra 3
Examines self-esteem and expands on the animal companion’s purpose from Chakra 2.
Chakra 4
This chakra looks at the heart of the animal, literally and figuratively.
Chakra 5
A lot of creativity settles into this small area – it’s also the seat of the thyroid.
Chakra 6
Chakra 6 is all about intuition.
Chakra 7
This delves deeply into what the animal would consider spiritual.
Chakra 8
This is the energy field of the animal, the aura.

You can bypass ever having to learn animal communication or medical intuition by being able to sense, analyze, and balance the chakras!

Count Me In!

Your FAQ’s

How does one “heal” the chakras?

You are not just looking to heal the chakra but to understand that it is a key to understanding the emotional or physiological challenges for the animal. You would want to support the emotional and/or physical challenge as best you can and balance the chakras. This way, healing comes about organically.

What if I can’t sense chakras?

In the beginning, it is great to use tools like a pendulum. From there, if you keep practicing, you will have a sense of them in no time.

What if I’m not intuitive?

First of all, everyone is! If you don’t trust your intuition, you will have other tools until you get good at it and hopefully, that will lead to trusting yourself.

If the animal isn’t with you, can you still check their chakras?

Absolutely! Just like animal communication and healing can take place remotely, so can sensing a chakra and balancing it.  

Before you go...

All the classes, products and services in the world can only go so deep. There is no better way to understand your animal than diving into their physical, energetic, and spiritual blueprint. 

This INVALUABLE skill will benefit your animals and all your relationships moving forward. Gain clarity on your companion and become empowered to give them the best life experience possible.

Don’t wait - the time for healing and connection is now! 

Ready to dive into a whole new realm? 

Ready to dive into a whole new realm?

Buy Now!