Subtle Energies for Animals with Marie-Christine
Live, Online Program, 6 Classes
Mondays at 4:30 PM Pacific (7:30 PM Eastern) for two hours. Starts May 20th, 2024!
Past students who would like to retake the class: $85
(Please use THIS LINK if you are a past student. All past student purchases will be verified before the class begins.)

World-renowned Animal Communicator and Energy Healer, Joan Ranquet, Presents:
Subtle Energies for Animals
with Marie-Christine Lochot and Joan Ranquet
A 6-week course + 1 Bonus Q&A session designed to give you unique energy healing tools so you can help your animals from the comfort of your own home!

So, have you had your aura fluffed lately?
Join animal communicator, massage therapist and energy healer Marie-Christine Lochot and world-renowned animal communicator Joan Ranquet for 6 weeks of subtle joy. Learn at least 10 new and unique energy healing tools to help your animals experience balance, grounding, clarity and happiness!
The techniques taught in this course are not taught anywhere else in the CWALU curriculum. You will learn:
- Strange Flows – when activated, this lifts the spirit, bringing happiness.
- Crossing your Energies – this brings back the natural flow that may be inhibited by EMF’s, daily life and stress. It is a very grounding technique.
- Electrics – this technique utilizes the body’s own wisdom to heal what is most challenging at the time.
- Aura Fluffing – this technique is so much fun we’re going to save all details until class begins.
- And so many more!
They can be used along with other modalities and/or western medicine OR they can be stand alone techniques that address the emotion and energy of the challenge. Whether your animal is timid, overly active or suffering from a health challenge, you will find these techniques easy to do at home.
Each of the techniques are hand picked for specific situations. They implement the meridians from Traditional Chinese Medicine, chakras from the esoteric traditions of Indian religions, along with other energy systems.
If you’re ready to help balance yourself and heal your animals, gather 10 new tools for your toolkit, ground your energy and get joyful + become more aware of your own and your animal’s energy field then Subtle Energies is for you! Whether you’re an animal lover and simply want to see your animals living their best lives or you’re a veterinarian looking to add skills to your practice that can better support the full health of the animals you care for, you will find this course is a perfect fit.
Joan: Meditation audio, "Connect and Heal Bundle" (Value $47)
Marie-Christine: Video, "how to prepare for an energy session with an animal" (Value $45)
Marie-Christine: Flow chart of Energy Techniques (Value $27)
Bonus Class: Q&A with Marie-Christine (Value $97)
Testimonials from last class
Marie Christine is an AMAZING teacher. She made everything very easy to understand, easy to do, and spent time helping us to learn the techniques on our own animals during class! I loved every second and learned SO much. I am using the techniques she taught us every single day - on myself and on my animals and am seeing results. I love how Marie Christine told us to be "playful" with the energy. She is right! Once we "let go" and actually FEEL the energies and learn how to go with what the body is telling us, we are truly working with energy.
Thank you, Marie Christine, for sharing your knowledge and your love. I am looking forward to future classes that you offer.
-Sandi Galindo
Dear Marie-Christine,
This was such an amazing learning experience. It was so profound and yet so simple. And what I loved was how there was a specific focus for specific issues - e.g. if your cat has anxiety issues this will help and if you are waiting for the vet, this other thing will help. I wish I had taken this class earlier. I also loved the start of a ritual for practice time with my cats. I had lost sight of the ritual after the loss of my last cat and it felt wonderful to bring that back to life. Sir Timothy (the cat) loves the attention he gets. This feels like a must-have training for anyone working in the field of energy healing.
-Indrani Das
Marie-Christine is an Amazing Teacher! I loved absolutely everything about this class! Her vast knowledge intertwined with her humor made this class informative and fun!
The techniques we learned were so simple and so powerful! I am ready to sign up for the next class!
-Tanya Hoffay
Marie-Christine is AMAZING! She has so much knowledge and experience with energy healing. MC has assisted my Acupressure and Meridian Touch Healing Classes since we started them. I love listening to her talk with her sexy French accent, and wonderful sense of humor, I could listen all day. And I always learn something from her that I can use in my practice or on my personal animals.
-Dr. Jill Todd
Stories from previous classes
I will never forget the foster kitty I had for our last class who had a severe neck/head injury and was unable to hold his head straight nor balance himself enough to walk. We worked on him during class and by the next day he was showing improvement. Two weeks later, using the techniques we were shown to do, that same kitty was running, jumping, and playing like any other kitten his age without a hint of the trauma he experienced. THAT is the magic of energy.
-Sandi Galindo
My cat has what I call a "weak constitution". He is sensitive and small upsets trigger him. When I was practicing with him in class, I was guided to focus on a specific meridian and strengthen his Qi. I have been doing that regularly for the past few weeks. I can see him more courageous and resilient than before. He is more curious and adventurous than before.
-Indrani Das
Class Details
Join us for 6 live classes over 7 weeks (with one holiday week in between) plus a bonus 7th call, in addition to digital course content. All live classes will be held via Zoom starting at 4:30 PM Pacific, and run for two hours. Recordings will be made available each week with lifetime access.
Bonus Q & A: July 8th
I have helped thousands connect with animals, and I can show you how – in a way that will change your life – and the lives of countless animals – forever.
My name is Joan Ranquet and I’ve been teaching Animal Communication and Energy Healing since 1998 and practicing it for many years prior to that. More than 25 years of experience, along with a lifetime of love (and loss) have prepared me to offer this opportunity to you. One that will enrich your life and the lives of those around you (animal or human).

My name is Marie-Christine Lochot in 2002 I started to study Energy Medicine with Donna Eden, renowned healer, later becoming one of her teaching assistants. I have assisted Donna at various workshops over the country. That same year I started to work with dogs and cats, teaching their humans how to massage them. In 2012, I added to my repertoire energy techniques for animals based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2015 I started to study Animal Communication and Energy healing for Animals with Joan Ranquet, graduating from CWALU in 2017 .
I, now, have an Animal Communication and Energy Healing practice: Animal Talk and Healing. I also coach and teach energy healing to laypeople, professionals in various healthcare professions and in the corporate environment.
My passion is to help people and animals be healthier and happier.