Pet owners turn to massage, yoga to help furry friends —

Pet owners turn to massage, yoga to help furry friends —

It’s always great to have a nice mention. . . .I happened to be calling the Orlando Sentinel about one of the benefits we were doing and the next thing you know I was being interviewed about my Animal Communication classes and ultimately asked about my University.

I’m very proud of my University. My students are doing great and the first round of 5 are about to graduate in March.  So the heat is on for them. We are creating a business and intuition building exercise that will last for the next 3 months. It will get them out in the community they live in, engage other practitioners, have them use their electives and also work with local pet businesses. Not to mention, one of the ultimate beneficiaries of this assignment is the rescue org of their choice.  It’s awesome. (I’m calling it THE assignment – not to scare them or anything!)

And they are an amazing and courageous group of people. I’m proud to have Communication with all Life University mentioned in the Orlando Sentinel. I’m also glad to see the work of Jo Maldanado and CAT (Center for Animal Therapies.)

We had a great Dr. Steven Farmer call last night and the exciting news is we will be doing a live event soon together – but that’s all I can share. Interested in Aromatherapy for pets? Saddle fitting – join the teleseminars – for more info:


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