Scottish terrier Sadie wins AKC national dog show – Pet Tales : The Orange County Register

Scottish terrier Sadie wins AKC national dog show – Pet Tales : The Orange County Register.

Look at that Sadie – so serious about her job and yet secretly, those Scotties can be so impish.  (Okay not so secretly if you’ve had a Scottie.)  I grew up with a Scottie. I love Scottie’s.  Her name was Penny – she was my very first dog – we picked her out of the litter at Thanksgiving from my cousins when I was seven and I slept in the back of the car with her all the way home from Spokane to Bellevue Wa (about 5 hours). We had another dog – Rini an elderly Manchester Terrier – Penyy wasn’t a big hit with Rini but she was my dog nonetheless.

I will always have a thing for Scotties. My cousin John (the same cousins) has a great Scottie named Sherman. Oh he gives my Olivia and Isabella a run for their money. He’ll pretend to play the game of letting them think it’s their house – but if there’s a ball – he’s going after it and may the best dog win.

Love the name Sadie – obviously the best dog won!!

p.s. remember that Saturday Night Live sketch – the famous quote – “if it isn’t Scottish – it’s crrrrrrraaaaaaap!”

p.p.s. I have blogged below about my new Cat Francesca potentially being the reincarnated Alexandria – my old cat – well I’ve often wondered if Olivia my 1/2 Border Collie is a reincarnation of Penny.  Oh more random thoughts of an Animal Communicator…..another post on pet reincarnation is clearly in the future says the pet psychic!!

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