Talking to Horses in North Carolina – with the best Introduction an Animal Communicator Could Have!

This is an amazing story of what animal communication can do for an animal and the journey that can ensue:

BeBe was happy and healthy again

OK. So if you’re receiving this email, then you know that I’m crazy.  Off base. Nuts. Certifiable. That said, I even shocked myself at the level of craziness I reached this past summer. There is a point to this story. Please keep reading, if you have the time.

Cashlyn’s horse BeBe was hurt for nearly all of the past year. Thank God I had insured her for lameness, and we had $10,000 of insurance money to spend trying to diagnose her pain issues. We spent nearly all of that on every fancy vet and vet school in Va. And NC. Still. Hurting horse. No answers. No diagnosis.

Horsewoman extraordinaire, Ellen Beard, who also is a dear friend, suggested I contact Joan Ranquet, who is an “animal communicator.” Ellen swore she had enjoyed great success diagnosing horses’ issues with Joan’s help. Ellen is even crazier that I am. But she’s crazy like a fox. I was skeptical. But desperate.

The short version of this story takes us to a McDonald’s restaurant in Port St. Joe, Florida. This is where I was when Joan and I spoke on the telephone. I hid in a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, just sure that if anyone overheard our conversation, they would send for the men in the white coats.  Joan was in Oregon, or Washington, or someplace in the northwest. BeBe was in her stall in NC.  From my McDonald’s booth in the Florida Panhandle, this woman asks me stay on my cell phone with her, but be quiet. I had sent her a picture of BeBe ahead of time. She was looking at the photo, and contacting BeBe through my energy. Freaky. Twisted. Totally nuts.  It was about this time that I began to ponder calling the men with the white coats myself.

I had told this woman nothing about BeBe’s problem. She had requested a picture before we spoke. That was it. Ellen had not spoken with Joan. She sent me to her website where I then scheduled our phone session and emailed BeBe’s photo. I’m thinking of all of this while Tick. Tock. The minutes pass.

She’s saying nothing. This woman’s people have already charged my credit card. Yup. Just stamp sucker on my forehead. Call the church. I’m busy planning my confession.

Then she speaks.

What she said next filled my mouth with that nasty hot spit that comes up before you puke. Thank God I didn’t vomit. I was too busy blubbering.  Here is what she told me.

Your horse has a very special job. It’s to take care of your daughter. She knows that your daughter has been through a lot of emotional turmoil. Someone is sick, maybe. She knows she’s hurting and scared. But BeBe says she’s hurting too. The doctors keep thinking it’s her right ear, or something related to that, because she pins this ear. But it’s really not her ear. I’m sensing tremendous pain in her left shoulder/withers area, though. There is something really wrong there that’s causing her extreme pain. She has suffered from this pain for a long time. But it’s gotten a lot worse recently. And BeBe knows that she’s in a place, now, where she won’t be whacked upside the head if she pins her ear. She knows that she’s loved and that you’re trying to find her help. She loves your family. You treat her like a queen, she says.

I can’t speak. Joan asks me if I’m OK. I ask her how I find the source of the pain. She confirms that I live in NC. She says Sandy Siegrist. She says that Sandy is one of the best people living today at diagnosing horse’s lameness issues. And Sandy lives in, get this, Pilot Mountain, NC.

I contact Sandy. The following week, she examines BeBe in her stall. I tell her nothing, other than Joan suggested I call her. She doesn’t watch the mare work. She runs her hands all over this grand horse. Then she looks at me and says, “Your horse has a wicked migraine headache.  Now let’s find the cause of the pain.” She zeroes in on her withers area. Left withers. “This is where the mare is hurting,” she says. I ‘bout fell out. But then she says, “It doesn’t start here, though. Her pain is coming from her the right side of her rear end.” And sure enough, it was.

Apparently, BeBe had suffered a trauma to the rear years ago. This was causing pinched nerves on her back and across her left shoulder/withers area. To compensate for that pain, the mare was twisting her body slightly, which kinked the muscles in her neck, causing her to pin her right ear in pain.

Crazy.  That day, Sandy began chiropractic adjustments on BeBe. Within hours, I had a different horse. Within days I had a markedly better mare. And within a few weeks of our initial meeting, BeBe was happy and healthy again.

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