What I learn from teaching Animal Communication and other Random thoughts of an Animal Communicator

I enjoyed everyone in the class and we were really lucky that this group of strangers came together so quickly and was so cohesive.
Obviously the people that are drawn to my classes are truly empathic and love animals. I tend to draw another type of person to my group which is what I refer to as the ‘smarty pants types’. Very smart, usually women are drawn to my style of teaching and my workshops.
This is a great thing as I love smart! The drawback is sometimes they tend to be the type of person that is a little (or a lot) in their head. What does this mean?
They are most likely to doubt themselves. They are also used to a certain amount of success in other aspects of their life, so they are terrified of feeling wrong. This was expressed in a really profound way by one of the students.
She shut down at first and claimed she wasn’t getting anything from the animals. She was really frustrated. Eventually, she turned this around for herself and started picking up on the telepathy – the pictures, words and feelings from the animals.
Her courage and her commitment to be present was astounding. She allowed herself to stretch and grow by leaps and bounds. This helped everyone expand also. All ships rise with the tide.
Tonight, as I sent the whole class the e-mail list and pictures from the weekend, I also included the Kathryn Schultz Ted talk on being wrong: http://www.psfk.com/2011/04/wrongologist-kathryn-schulz-on-embracing-our-fallibility.html. Kathryn Schultz wrote: “Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error.”
Kathryn’s wonderful Ted talk helps us see what else is available when we understand that it is okay to be wrong. Sometimes that’s just where life takes us!
The theory of being wrong as part of learning is explored and proven in a new book called “The Talent Code, Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown. Here’s How.” by Daniel Coyle.
If we don’t allow ourselves to ‘feel’ wrong, we can’t learn.
Ultimately, animal communication isn’t about being right or wrong. Rather, it is about increasing accuracy. Accuracy becomes like a developed muscle, creating a neuropath way to heightened intuition and better understanding of all beings. With that, we can compassionately help shift, adjust or facilitate healing for all life.
I’m really proud of the growth of all the students and love how far they went in a relatively short amount of time. And, note to self: get out of your head and allow yourself permission for accuracy – and always be open to learning!!
Joan Ranquet, Animal Communicator, Speaker & Author of “Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator” – www.joanranquet.com
For upcoming workshops, teleseminars, Dolphin trips and more: https://joanranquet.com/legacy/events. If you are interested in The Home Study Course or Communication with all Life University, please e-mail me @ joanranquet@joanranquet.com. For wonderful feed/supplements for all life: www.dynamitemarketing.com/joanranquet.