Better Animal Communication Tip #9: Celebrate!

How do you celebrate success and good behavior with your animals?
Guess what, your animals feel that joy too. That joy can be in your life for something you’ve done or theirs. It can be over the fact that I vacuumed all the hay and dirt off the rug before a dinner party!! It can be over nothing…. Life can be like a Seinfeld episode, a show about nothing and yet brings such internal joy with all the complications with your animal companions.
My Arabian mare, Gabrielle, from day one always did what I called the victory lap when she “got” a technique while riding. I had done that too with my gelding Rollie (no longer with us). It’s a loose rein glory moment. And, once we got it– we’ll get it again.
Celebration over even the tiniest things – like a sick cat drinking water on
it’s own or the puppy going potty outside is huge. It’s acknowledgment. It’s Gratitude. It’s saying we got it – we will so get this again, thank you. Wow, you are awesome. And we are awesome as a team, a herd, a pack, a flock or a pride.
And to conclude… Tip #10: Creating a Safe and Sacred Place