Practical Application of Animal Communication and Energy Healing in Animal Sanctuaries

During the 9-day Spring Intensive, once we have developed our Animal Communication and EFT Tapping with Animals skill set, we move on to Animal Communication and Healing in Sanctuaries. It is the last 3 days of the Intensive. It becomes the practical application of all that we have learned together.
I am very passionate about this work because when we consider there are 1.5 million animals killed in the shelters each year, that’s roughly 4,109 a day. So much of this could be eliminated with a little Animal Communication and EFT tapping to help alleviate the shock, trauma and grief that the animals are feeling after ending up in a shelter. If they had any insecurities before, they become amplified at this time. By hearing and healing them, we could be proactive in ultimately creating more confident animals that can adjust into a forever home.
I know this hurts our empathic hearts, but it is important. Stay with me through this……
25 million animals are killed in factory farms a day.
Poaching, trophy hunting, and vivisection account for another 150 million animals who are left orphaned, tortured, blinded and worse, dead afterwards.
Then there is the human wildlife conflict…… where the animals rarely end up victorious.
There is a lot of work to do and it is time to get to work! One of the components of this Animal Communication and healing during these 3 days is we can’t feel sorry for these animals. Instead, we have to come from a space of holding them as able to rise to the occasion. We hold space for them. We allow them to find their way whether they will be better participants in their own family system with each other or to become an ambassador for humans to get a glimpse into their lives.
If every shelter, zoo, sanctuary, rehab center, therapeutic riding center and vet hospital had their own animal communicator and healer on staff, think of what a better world this would be. Let’s see it happening and be part of it!
Here’s a video at a wonderful place we will visit in those 3 days: The Gibbon Center
If this feels exciting and important to you, learn more and sign up for the Spring “Renewal” Intensive so you can join us in person!