Animal Communication and EFT Tapping on Animals enters a College Curriculum at Stephens College

When animal communication and energy healing for animals is mandatory in academia we have a good shot at improving the lives of animals and raising the bar on how animals are treated moving forward.
Last fall I was hired to teach Animal Communication and Energy Healing, specifically EFT Tapping at Stephens College. Stephens is my alma mater. Not only does it still have an amazing Equestrian Department, it was one of the first schools to allow pets in dorms. And, they have a scholarship program for people willing to foster pets.
I was there to teach the Equestrian Department with a small emphasis to help the students fostering animals.
And it was big fun.
In that time with the equestrian students, I felt so blessed because it is planting a big seed in our future of horse training, in how we treat horses and how we see our relationship with and to them. Between the animal communication and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for Animals and Humans, these students made big strides in their personal growth, their relationships with these horses and their future careers.
Like a typical horse trainer’s life, these young ladies came into contact with horses that are their “project” for the semester or the year. The program focuses on the Hunter/Jumper, Saddle Seat and Western disciplines. For non-horse people it is like the difference between obedience and agility. For someone that isn’t aware of that, these are super diverse “sports” that require a lot of work. And, the breed/temperament of the horse that does each of these disciplines can be quite diverse.
The brilliance in this program is it replicates a typical day in the life of a horse trainer, a barn manager or someone working in a therapeutic riding program. Stephens College Equestrian graduates are well equipped for any setting.
Some of the gals were in my class three times a day during the week I was there because their focus may be one discipline but there is a requirement to ride/try all three disciplines if they are pursuing an equine science major.
Needless to say, I got to know a few of these remarkable young ladies pretty well for a short period of time.
We started with animal communication and quickly moved into EFT tapping.
I had a lot of handouts and homework and they had to assess the relationship, the challenges and their own feelings about all of it. And did a lot of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping. We tapped, and tapped and tapped.
As horse lovers, we’ve all seen the overly athletic, willing, super sensitive horse…(dog, cat, guinea pig).
Can you imagine an empathetic and empathic trainer with skills to manifest the unending depth from this type of horse and rider?
I feel part of a new movement toward this type of sensitivity in training.
Many of the women were made aware of who they were being when they were in a challenge or struggle with the horse and we tapped on behalf of the horse and the rider. Competing is a big part of the program. While competition is not a big part of my life, a large percentage of my clientele competes. Some Internationally. I continue in dressage lessons several times a week and have done that as a minimum (if not full training) since I was a teen.
Like competition with animals or not, I can attest that horse shows, like blood-work creates a framework for measurement.
Competition creates a certain tension or nervousness for some. Others may have moved that “nervousness” next door over to excitement and understand the feeling of being in the “zone” with their horse partner.
That horse partner may be in the same boat. They may get nervous, they may get genuinely excited and professional. They may get sharp.
And that’s just the horse side. Often the human emotions either mirror or contrast the feelings the equine partner has.
So, we tapped. We tapped about frustration, we tapped about perfectionism, we tapped about fear, we tapped about how much our horse loses confidence, we tapped about how offended our overly professional horse must feel when we are so untrusting, etc. We tapped a lot.
And we meditated. And meditated. And communicated. And visualized.
It was magical.
These young ladies were super honest (and so were their horses!) We moved through the kind of emotional stuff that becomes matter and matters.
Many of the girls, in their amazing candid moments, shared that they didn’t love horse shows.
That was September. During that entire fall, the young ladies continued to communicate with their horses through the show season and tapped with their partners. They tapped and they tapped. They were connected with their horses.
One of my favorite outcomes for these gals is that in all of the disciplines, the Stephens College Equestrian Team CLEANED UP all fall. They won everything.
The gals actually expressed that it was finally “fun”.
Isn’t that why we got into it? It was great to bring these young ladies and their horses back to their core truth of why they were together.
I am so grateful that I will be back the first week of September to do it again. I believe the future of equine sciences is at Stephens College.
Here is a great video that the local news, Columbia Missourian: