Creative Tools for Harmony in Your Household #7 Special Acknowledements

Sometimes actions, love, deeds go unnoticed. We get busy in life. We overlook stuff. And our animals feel it. Creating a moment for a special acknowledgement goes a long way with our animal companions.
Recently a young student revealed in our private Facebook group for the school, Communication With All Life University (CWALU), that she was overly stressed after adopting a puppy. She was devastated because she had so looked forward to the puppy. I immediately got her on the phone and did some EFT Tapping with her to bring down the stress. She felt better. I told her lots of stories and reiterated it in the Facebook thread later on. The gist of which is this:
As I told you on the phone yesterday, the puppy mantra is usually something like this: No, no, leave it, no. And a damn it every now and then. My animals think their last name is damn it.
Puppies need reassuring, adult dogs, horses, guinea pigs, cats, kittens feeling acknowledged helps us heal and grow.
These are two of my favorite stories from my first book, Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator (Hay House, 2007)
Merlin was a superstar in his day, and in the plan to phase in his retirement, he was being used as a school horse. The problem was he was bucking and scaring the young students. I went straight to his body first and found nothing out of the ordinary. (His person is a gifted healer so I didn’t think it was that, but I always check). I asked if he liked teaching. He said that he really did, but nobody knew who he was. He didn’t feel special and wasn’t acknowledged for the superstar he had been.
I suggested putting a star on his stall so that everyone who was new would have to ask about it and thus would hear his story. Or they would just get the subliminal message that they were fortunate enough to be learning from this master. He stopped terrifying new students!
Another example about the importance of acknowledgement, is the story of a woman who called me because her superstar agility dog had just blown a big contest. We discovered that he was competing for her, which was fine, but he knew deep down she wasn’t doing it for the fun. The dog knew that she had way too much invested in approval from her father. Winning for her had nothing to do with what they were doing together. I suggested she make him a Certificate of Appreciation because this lesson was more valuable that any trophies or ribbons could have been. Now they go to agility trials for fun (and they happen to win).