In Transit, literally and the film – as always, other random thoughts of an Animal Communicator

Happy New Year! It is a time of opportunity, fun and amazing transformation. Last year feels like it had all the awkward growing pains for what is going to set sail this new decade.
I have had my own personal transformation. . . in the last 8 weeks, I lost my 90 year old father. He was such an inspiration to many and while I know that he is with my mom and many other great animal companions, relatives and friends, it is still fresh and painful. I so hear the pain in my clients voice as they call either about an animal that they recently lost or about to lose.
For some reason the holidays accentuate that, whether it is that we love memories around this type of year so the loss feels greater than say a random day in June or the mere fact that it is literally the darkest time of the year. No matter as to the origin of the pain, the pain is there and deserves attention – being brought to the light.
I’m also writing because on the otherside of the holidays, here in the new year, I don’t remember a time I felt more hopeful. There are so many exciting things in the wings that I will slowly reveal as they come to fruition.
For me – it is also a time of tranformation in my career. In the worst economy, I started Communication with all Life University and in March – I have my first graduating class. I’m blogging – I don’t even text regularly, yet I love this. Lots of other things are transforming before my eyes that are so positive, so amazing……the reason I’m writing this is I know it is for you as well. Sometimes we just can’t see it.
I found a video from my past – I used to be an actress for those that don’t know my history or haven’t read my book, “Communication with all Life”. I’m actually posting it because talk about a transformation!! The video below is just a fun reminder of the world I came from – acting!! I loved acting, I loved the whole world of it. I educated myself in the best possible situations, I knew all the right people and yet………well the video is great – it was my dream to act and yet I followed another big passion – animals and I don’t look back (except to view various productions I was in):
Dailymotion – In transit, par Cédric Klapisch – une vidéo Cinéma.
Then this life of being an Animal Communicator totally took over my life!! I’m happy to say that this is definitely the work I’m supposed to be doing. I have been busy since about the day I said I’d do it…..unlike life in my acting world. I will say I was always getting some sort of play, little film, etc. I always joked with my Dad that I finally got a steady job when I became a pet psychic.
Clearly I didn’t love the acting world enough to endure the actor’s lifestyle. Or there was a better divine plan for me. Either way – this work, this life has brought us together even if just through these words on a screen. My wish for you is that you follow your dream and find your divine plan!
Now my work and my lifestyle are congruant. I love that. On the days that I’m home doing phone sessions, I’m here with my own animals. If I go away from my home to talk to an animal – funny how that works, I’m with animals!
I know I’m very lucky and I want to take this time to thank all of my clients and students and even readers who are what make this life possible.
I have a few more things to add:
1. January 3rd – 5:00 pm PST. CALL IN! Scott Cluthe Radio Show please call in!!
2. I’m teaching a weekend workshop in Missoula Mt. January 8-10th for details go to: or contact Kate Templeman @ (406) 273-3151 or e-mail her @
3. I have a big contest that is below – “What’s in a name…..” if you have a story as to how you chose a name – or the name chose your animal companion – let us know. Me, and my University students will be picking out the winners and the contest winner details are here:
Each person that enters gets a free Animal Education Teleseminar of your choice ($20.00 value). The first place winner gets a free weekend Animal Communication Seminar in either Orlando in Feb. or Seattle in April ($350.00 value- travel expenses not included). Second place winner gets 10 Animal Education Teleseminar calls ($200 value). Third place winner gets either an Animal Communication Workshop Teleseminar with me OR 5 Animal Education Teleseminar calls hosted by me with amazing guests – or download of previous amazing calls (valued at $100.00). The contest winners will be announced January 25th. May the best name win! Enter your pet’s name and how or why they got their name and send to
Remember to always check my schedule for when I could be in YOUR town teaching an Animal Communication mini class
Enjoy, Joan
Joan Ranquet
Animal Communicator, Author, Speaker and founder of Communication with all life University (animal communication certification program).,
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