Speaking for Phoebe and Dora through Animal Communication
I went back and forth for months about this. I knew my energy wasn’t helping anything, but everyday I worried that adopting them together was going to be impossible. Each day that passed I started doubting my ability to know if they could be separated or if they needed to stay together. I could not stand my ambivalence any longer. I reached out to Joan Ranquet and she did what I like to call her amazing magic!
She spoke with Phoebe and Dora and I finally got a clear answer. Joan let us know that these two needed to stay together and that a home would open up for them, so just hang in there.
Every time I think of those two beautiful souls I think of Joan and I realize what a very big part she plays in speaking for dogs and cats. I believe in her ability to teach and communicate with these amazing souls and I am very grateful for her continued help.
This is a testimonial from Vicki Wagner, Founder of Eloise Rescue.