Tales (and Tails) of a Benefit for Animals in Hurricanes and Training for Disasters

I’ve known Michelle Rivera forever. She started her beautiful doggy daycare, Chateau Marmutt in the 90’s in West Hollywood, just down the street from where I lived. I walked in to see if I could do animal communication sessions out of there and the rest is history. That was 18 years ago. Since then I’ve talked to many dogs (and pics of cats), I’ve taught animal communication out of there and we’ve been on Good Morning America together, AMC and more.
I did the training years ago. For those that don’t know, after living in LA, I lived in Seattle (for a minute), Denver, South Florida, back up to Seattle and now here in Southern California. Santa Clarita to be exact, just Northeast of LA. I’ve been through some disasters!
The first week I moved to Denver, there were wildfires throughout the mountains. People were spray painting their phone numbers on their horses and letting them free because the fire was so fast moving, they didn’t have time to evacuate.
It was well run and there I was cleaning water buckets for donkeys and generally coming in with great energy in the face of fear. You could see the stressed owners running in to make sure all was well and then have to go back and deal with their property, if they still had one.
Other than the Northridge earthquake and care for my own horse, that fire was my introduction to largescale disaster. I signed up immediately for the training in 2000. Back then I had told Michelle about it at the time and she signed up for the training. So it was an obvious fit for us to make Red Rover the beneficiary of our event.
Yes, it’s great to come in and be in a state of calm for the people and animals in a disaster, but at that point, they are not looking for aromatherapy, they need the brass tacks in this setting. Which I am more than happy to do.
It’s amazing how many little details these organizations need. Even the unorganized evacuation centers. Just show up with tape, paper, clipboards, pens, name tags, staplers and that will be incredibly helpful. What is not helpful is judgment, opinions and suggestions about care of the animals could be better, if……
And when I can’t be boots on the ground to help (I was down at the LaTuna Fire evacuation center two weekends ago), then I love to raise money. I’ve done a lot of this over the years, including a wonderful event for Hurricane Katrina with a doggy daycare in Ft. Lauderdale called Central Bark. That gave me a taste of how to do a fundraiser. I’ve done many since.
I love bringing my posse of great communicators from my program in and putting them to work. I love helping my students build their clientele. I love helping animals and humans in need. It was a win, win, win, win….ad infinitum night!
For me it was like old home week. I got to connect with people I hadn’t seen since the 90’s. I was their first taste of animal communication back then. While the animals I connected were no longer with them, their new set of animals were just as delightful.
It was a lovely, loving community that spent well $ wise and then the money was matched. A great time was had by all!!
Watch out, we may do it again. And again!
Special thanks to Michelle Rivera, the staff at Chateau Marmutt, Jar and the fabulous staff, and the wonderful students of Communication with all Life University: Sally Jenkins, Sharon Nitka and Renee Moritz.