Tigers Temples and the Taj Mahal!

My very special meditation on wildlife adventures becomes part of the secret sauce on my trips. I have a great story from one of my South Africa trips.
We were up near Kruger Park and the guide we had was a rather earnest guy, a rather straight shooter if you will. He overheard us talking about meditating and I thought what the hell, I’m just going to ask him to get us somewhere great and we can meditate out there rather than here at the lodge.
I wasn’t sure what I expected to say but I certainly didn’t expect him to respond the way he did. He said, “I know just the spot.”
We went out to his said spot. A seemingly nondescript area of the bush. Bird sounds all around but no other form of life. I was in one jeep, the other jeep close enough for everyone to hear me as I led our meditation. All was very quiet afterward.
And then one woman piped up, loudly I might add: “I don’t see anything.”
While it was so jarring and hard to ignore following a blissed out meditation, I didn’t give it any energy. The guide turned back and smiled at me.
And then it began. The pounding in the distance, the branch breaking thud, and as this distant cacophony got imminently closer and closer, there they were, a giant herd of elephants.
And the elephants moved around and through us like a stream of water over a mound of dirt. We were the mound of dirt in total awe that they were as magnetized to us as we were to them.
They moved around us, between the jeeps and flowed on past for what seemed like time suspended in bliss.
One baby even stood and stared at us as if he knew we were this unbelievable source of love.
Guides on trips always tell me that we have extraordinary animal experiences. I have come to believe that these meditations where we collapse our own energy field and become a safe zone is what draws these experiences to us.
I can’t wait to see the tigers in this magnified field of appreciation.