Your dog wants a treat. Now! Animal communicator to hold seminar in Missoula
Your dog wants a treat. Now! Animal communicator to hold seminar in Florence. Some say Florence, some say Missoula – I don’t know where it is that I’m teaching this weekend – but I do know we have an awesome group!! There is still room for a couple more. And I do know my ticket says Missoula ~ I’m really looking forward to this workshop.
Kate is part of Communication with all Life University and she has put together this class. Some of the people that are coming – have worked with me before in either my Bozeman Mt. classes or when I used to come up and teach at Traumhof (before I lived here) or perhaps even Walla Walla. And some will be fresh. Always fun!
If you didn’t see my post yesterday about the new year – I want to remind you to scroll down for the “What’s in a name contest….” details below. And if you’re not on my mailing list – please join as I will be updating there as well. Go to: The contest could win you a weekend class in either Seattle or Orlando – so please send me your story. I’m already getting submissions and it hasn’t even gone out in my newsletter!