As the farm turns and other random thoughts of an animal communicator Assist September 8, 2009 Kittens 18 days old. Every picture tells a story. I don’t need to add words! 18 days old
Creative Tools for Harmony in Your Household #9: Affirmations, Energy Healing and Prayer I always ask my students what is the one thing that all energy healing modalities share? And the answer is very simple: Intention. Well, affirmations… Joan Ranquet January 25, 2021
Raven Flight School and other raven and random thoughts of an Animal Communicator A Raven has a very different world view of the above pictures…..for us, thesimplistic description would be: it looks like the tops of trees, some… Assist September 24, 2010 48 Comments
Horse Telepathy: How to Use Simple Animal Communication Skills to Load onto the Horse Trailer Here is a recent interview I did with Double D Trailers about how animal communication can help anyone who works with horses! According to Joan… Assist February 22, 2022
Birds of a Feather Flock together – Eagles Freedom and funny girl Wanbli Askata, and other random thoughts of an Animal Communicator I’m visiting in Florida, about to teach my Animal Communication weekend workshop. On any of my visits, I create a walk in the morning as… Assist November 13, 2010
Do our animals reincarnate or do we magnetically call in the same archetypal being? When Francesca the new cat walked in 2 years to the day that Alexandria the cat had gone missing, one had to review the eerie… Assist January 3, 2011