Divine Caroline Review – Communicating with Your Pets

I felt like I got so much out of the chapters with the stories about the clients she’s had and the issues they had to deal with, as I recognized myself or my pets as having very similar issues. {…}
I learned something very important in Chapter Nine about the ethics of this profession and the importance of being “neutral,” and “anchoring the good feelings.” That helped me so much with a horse I have who had bad experiences with the farrier (person who trim horses feet and puts their shoes on) and because of this I would hope and fear that he may act up every time the farrier comes, and of course he did, and it was dangerous for the farrier, the horse, and me. I had even been accidentally given a light concussion from him acting out. Now I try to anchor all the good feelings of good times I have had with him and the one or two times that he was just stellar for the farrier and to hold only those thoughts while he his shoes are being put on. I also noticed that when my farrier is clear minded and just assumes my horse will be good the energy is different and the horse is in fact good. So, in this case for safety reasons it has been great for all of us!
And lastly I loved the part on overall wellness because I have made it a passion to study animal nutrition over the past four-and-a-half years since I lost my beloved dog to renal failure. I also have become interested in some of the energy work that can be done on animals that the Author mentions in the last chapter.
Overall this is an excellent read and a very helpful and informative “hand book”; it is well worth the money and then some. I have recommended it to friends and family and I give it as gifts to all the animal lovers I know. Can’t wait for her next book!
Read the full review at DivineCaroline.com.