Teleseminar with John Holland and other random thoughts of an Animal Communicator

We had an amazing call last night with John Holland in the Animal Education Series. I love when someone is doing something different than I am and yet it resonates into being the same. John Holland as a Medium, communicating with people’s loved ones that have crossed over uses the same ‘language’ as telepathy – it is pictures, words and feelings.

Being a medium can be very different because an experience would wash right through him whereas I can be affected by things (and of course I am) but I have many tools to clear things right away. I know someone like John Holland would also. It is something I advocate when I’m teaching – because sometimes we are connecting into some intense emotions or experiences and then we have to leave it where it belongs!

I know I’m going to go preorder his new book “The Spirit Whisperer” on

I’m still in awe of how fun the class was last night and I have so many great new calls coming up also.

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