The new farm, the new kitty and other random thoughts of an Animal Communicator

- Life on the new farm with new kitty
The new farm, the new kitty, the new, the new, the new…..We have a new member at our farm, (and we have a new farm). We just added Francesca, the new kitty. It has definitely taken a toll on Isabella. Isabella is the lab that I adopted almost 2 years ago. It will be two years September 18th. Isabella doesn’t feel like the youngest anymore, the baby. Yet, she’s the baby dog!
What she also doesn’t realize is that all of our skills will be necessary here coming up as this is a childbride…..this cat is like a bag of kittens, she will be giving birth any minute. Talk about grow up time for the lab! And I will become Sistah Kitty Gramma.
Meanwhile, Olivia (7 yr. old ½ Border Collie) thinks I brought the cat home for her. And the cat was supposedly feral. I moved in 2 weeks ago, Mind you, moving in to the new place is at least a 2 bedroom home – plus me and two dogs, the horses arrived (so a full barn with equipment and tack) the day my friends delivered the new cat.
I call her Francesca. I had never met her. My friends told me about a cat they trapped in Idaho and I said I’d take her. They drove her out. The day she was delivered was the 2 year anniversary of Alexandria’s departure. Alexandria was my beloved cat of 13 years that disappeared two years and two weeks ago. (Anyone who has read my book “Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator” knows all of these characters!!)
So Francesca, the feral cat (like Alexandria the feral cat I adopted 15 years ago) walks through and goes to the old spots that Alexandria loved – even though things are in boxes, she still is gravitating toward pieces of furniture. She and Olivia sleep next to each other. Isabella has tried to chase her and after two time outs – she gets this will be her best friend. In fact just tonight Isabella was asleep on the couch and I sat with her. I put Francesca on my lap and Francesca immediately wanted off. How did she get off of my lap – oh she just walked over Isabella. Awesome.
It almost feels like a case for reincarnation, don’t you think? Or sent to me by my darling Alexandria? Alexandria could be on the other side or in someone else’s living room and her continued care for my wellbeing sent in this adorable cat with the same origins as her………..for that kitty love. Her intention alone of continuing to take care of me sent in her clone personality wise. (I mean down to not covering poop because she expects me to say – here let me clean that up for you while also expecting me to hand over my veggies, etc.) It’s as if Alexandria never left, I just have a different coloring but same behavior, same feelings – even with Olivia.
I’ve included a picture of Francesca with my book and with the Hay House UK version of my book with a different cover. Doesn’t she look like the kitten on the cover?
Is can always be found at E-mail me at You can also find me at or I’m learning more and more about the other social networkings as well.