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Our Partner’s Programs

Partners make the world go round! We all
need each other. My students are required to do electives, one
in body work and one in energy work, so I have become more and more
familiar other schools, techniques, and modalities. And I know how
much value it adds to the life and work of my students and graduates. I
want to share that opportunity with everyone!!

CWALU and I have partnered with many organizations to support our students and staff. These are a few of our favorites!


We have trips to India and Bimini planned for Spring of 2023 and spots are filling up fast!


In addition to Joan Ranquet’s books, this bookstore has a list of Joan and CWALU’s favorite books.

Jill & Joan Acupressure and Hemp Products

Meditation is such a fundamental part of animal communication, energy healing and body work. Grounding through some of these meditations may help the ecosystem of your household. Some of these also help to connect with nature and wildlife.

DynamiteTM Animal Supplements

Joan Ranquet has been a Dynamite distributor for over 21 years. The products have stood the test of time. One of those tests is Joan’s 34 year old, Arabian, Gabrielle. She is has aged gracefully because of the excellent supplements.

Shop Dynamite

Featured Products

These are some of Joan Ranquet’s and CWALU’s favorite products to enhance the health and wellbeing of your animal companion(s). Enjoy!!

Coming Soon!